
Central Mall Extension
Falcon AM pre-leased and delivered 27,000 sq ft of new retail space in Blanchardstown Shopping Centre to four major retailers including a JD Sports flagship store. This project required an extensive section of the existing building to be demolished in order to create the opportunity to complete the new extension. This project was particularly challenging as the incoming services for the existing Shopping Centre were housed in the demolition zone. This required careful relocation without impacting trade to any of the existing tenants.
Despite Covid-19 restrictions, this project was delivered on budget at a total cost of €17m.

Red Mall Extension
As part of this project, Falcon AM delivered a new purpose built MSU for Aldi as well as two new iconic entrances to Blanchardstown Shopping Centre. The development was the first significant project in an overarching strategy to transform the image of the asset from a dated scheme to a modern, vibrant shopping centre. In total this project delivered 22,000 sq. ft of new retail space to the Centre and strengthened the existing Red Mall.
Despite Covid-19 restrictions, this project was delivered on budget at a total cost of €13m.

Blue Mall Extension
Delivering ten new restaurant units, a significant new thriving square and an extensive public realm, the Blue Mall extension begins to deliver the transformation of Blanchardstown Shopping Centre to a more traditional major town centre. By delivering external facing F&B units, coupled with an iconic entrance, this development transforms the traditional shopping centre. Complimenting the existing uses of the Fingal County Council offices this development creates the vibrancy of a traditional high street.
Following a successful planning and procurement process, this project was ready to commence on site in the second quarter of 2020. Due to the pandemic, this project has experienced significant delays but work is ongoing with shareholders to re-start this project and deliver up to 45,000 sq.ft of new space to the asset at a total cost of €25m.

Mall Upgrade
As part of a repositioning strategy, Falcon AM completed a 120,000 sq.ft refurbishment project and delivered a complete modernisation of the internal common areas of Blanchardstown Shopping Centre. These areas last received significant investment in 1996, it was necessary to replace all existing life safety systems to meet current standards. All other building services in place since 1996 were updated with energy efficient replacements that delivered the key ESG strategies associated with this project. As part of our commitment to community engagement we worked with local artists and musicians during the design process and commissioned a significant mural by the renowned Dublin artist Maser.
This project was delivered outside of Centre trading hours without impact to footfall or tenant trade. The project was carried out during two extensive Government lockdowns at a total cost of €17m.

Master Planning
Master planning is a key focus of Falcon AM's development team in order to carefully examine the future sustainability of proposed developments. Working closely with local authorities and other public stakeholders, carefully considered master planning gives confidence to interested parties and has successfully paved the way forward for future developments.